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Soft Skills for Tough Issues
Fostering Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace
Jean Eva Thumm, LMFT, CPC

Soft Skills for Tough Issues
Are you ready to move ahead to a position of leadership in the workplace?

As a key decision-maker or future business leader in your organization, you will want to know about an exciting new interactive book authored by executive coach and workplace trainer Jean Eva Thumm.

Soft Skills for Tough Issues: Fostering Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace is a comprehensive guide to workplace challenges, including how

  • to communicate utilizing the technique of active listening
  • to identify and utilize nonverbal communication
  • to recognize and avert unhealthy communication patterns
  • to understand the implications of personality type on communication
  • to motivate employees
  • to use apology as an appropriate form of communication

  • Soft Skills for Tough Issues looks at a variety of assessment tools for working with both individuals and teams, such as the MBTI, the DISC, the PIAV, and Spiral Dynamics. It also examines such cutting-edge issues as
    • ethics/spirituality in the workplace
    • the effectiveness of coaching and mentoring
    • learning opportunities in your organization
    • techniques to motivate employees and teams
    • how to utilize the tools of good parenting to guide and support your direct reports, and
    • the value of longer-term  planning

    Chapter 9, entitled "Perform, Review, Perform, Review," will help you to

  • Examine a variety of factors which impact an employee's performance level
  • Compare different leadership styles
  • Identify six factors which determine how employees will perform
  • Be able to answer the question, "Why do performance appraisals?"
  • Identify manipulative tactics employees often use
  • Understand the two hallmarks of any performance assessment tool
  • Learn to discern who is or is not an objective rater
  • Identify a variety of performance assessment devices
  • Develop an action plan for employee improvement 

  • As the work arena of our lives continues to demand more time and energy from each of us, the workplace has become “the family away from family.” According to Ms. Thumm, workplace families need to have strong and compassionate leadership -- leaders who can model exemplary behavior for employees and who can provide both the support and the discipline that their direct reports need in order to perform optimally.

    Soft Skills for Tough Issues helps you look squarely at workplace issues and provides the necessary guidance for you to communicate with and motivate those under your supervisory care.

    Jean Eva recently presented material from her book at the 40th Anniversary of WIC, held in Albuquerque, NM. She delivered an interactive lecture on "Personality Type in the Workplace." This material was well received, and many audience members purchased a copy of Soft Skills for Tough Issues.. Why don't you order your copy today!

    You can order a copy of Soft Skills for Tough Issues on, where it is available in hard copy or in the Kindle version.

    ISBN (TP) : 978-1-4363-2878-4

    ISBN (HB) : 978-1-4363-2879-1

    Xlibris: or at

    How to get the most from Counseling & Coaching
    How to Get the Most from Counseling and Coaching: A Guide for Neophytes, a Review for the Rest of Us.
    Jean Eva Thumm, LMFT, CPC

    How to Get the Most from Counseling and Coaching

    All you need to know to select the right counselor for you; what you can expect from different counseling modalilties, for example, CBT; Inner Child work;  couples therapy. You will also learn

    • How to negotiate fee schedules
    • How to work with flexibility in your and your counselor's schedule
    • How to help plan your therapy,  plus much more!

    We address the nuts and bolts of different healing strategies for anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, addiction, marital and family issues, plus goals and healing modalities for individuals.

    Chapter Headings

    Chapter One        Choosing a Counselor
    Chapter Two        Thinking about your Goals
    Chapter Three      Negotiating a Fee
    Chapter Four        Counseling or Coaching?
    Chapter Five        Where Do We Go from Here?

    Bio on Back Cover

    Jean Eva Thumm, LMFT, CPC, is a coach and counselor at Beyond the Horizons Consulting, LLC, in Seaford, Delaware. She loves her work and uses a uniquely tailored approach to every individual, couple of family entering her office. Her first book, Soft Skills for Tough Issues: Fostering Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace, is also available online.


    "Jean Eva’s book is straightforward, simple, to the point, and wise. She covers everything one needs to know prior to choosing a coach or counselor, and is also beneficial to those who have already started seeing a professional. What a GIFT  for a professional coach and counselor to share what she knows about the process you may be going through  something I’ve never known a provider to do before! Whether you desire to be on a journey of self-discovery, healing, overcoming obstacles, making decisions, achieving a particular goal, or obtaining more self-confidence, this book is a MUST READ!"  - Lyn Kelley, PhD., MFT, CPC

    "This is a useful book for both the consumer of psychological counseling services and for allied medical professionals who wish to understand the array of services available. If you have a life situation or experience that is troubling you and don’t know where to look for help, this book will provide clear guidance." - Suzanne Codato, PTA, Retired, Easter Seals

    How to Get the Most from Counseling and Coaching is available on Kindle and Amazon.

    ISBN : 9787-1-7315-1972-6

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